Our Charity Partner
Q: Who is your charity partner?
A: The Buckeye Challenge is extraordinarily proud to work with Shoes 4 the Shoeless! Shoes 4 the Shoeless, Inc. is a local (Dayton, Ohio) non-profit that provides new, correctly fitting gym shoes and socks to Dayton area children in desperate need. Through a uniquely efficient and effective system, we help children eliminate one of poverty’s most visible stigmas.
In Montgomery County, Ohio, 40.9% of children live in poverty. The majority of them are in desperate need of shoes and socks. Wearing ill-fitting and worn shoes often condemns children to physical, social and emotional problems that last a lifetime. Shoes 4 the Shoeless began in 2010 and has already helped thousands of children in our community.
Q: How much of each registration do you donate?
A: We donate 10% of each registration fee. So on a $60 registration fee we will donate $6 to Shoes 4 the Shoeless.
Q: Can I make an additional donation to the charity?
A: Absolutely! While registering their is a page that asks you if you would like to donate extra, 100% of that donation goes to S4TS. Additionally at anytime you can visit BuckeyeChallenge.com and click "donate" to make a donation.
Q: Is the Advanced Running Project a non-profit?
A: Advanced Running is not a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization, but don’t let a tax classification fool you. Supporting charities is part of the foundation of who we are and what we believe in as a company. Since our founding in 2018 we have donated more than $25K to organizations in our community. Learn more about us and our philosophy on the About Us page.
Q: Is my registration tax deductible?
A: Unfortunately, no. While a portion of your registration fee will be donated to charity, we are not a 501(c)(3) charity and are therefore unable to provide tax receipts.
Q: How do we know you donated the money?
A: After the event we will work with Shoes 4 the Shoeless to make a final payment to them and will provide documentation of the acknowledgement letter we receive from the S4TS on our Facebook page!